The Learn-to-Swim program focuses on building skills one step at a time. By giving them the opportunity to master one element before moving on to the next, our kids' swim classes make it easy to build confidence in the water.

During their swim lessons, children will spend time on the following levels:


Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills
Most basic level of swim lessons, participants have little to no experience in the water. Participants will learn all the fundamental swim skills needed to advance to Level 2 ( floating on the back, floating on the front, bubble blowing, and water safety).

Class Requirements:

  • 4-12 Years
  • A good class for beginner swimmers
  • The participant has never taken formal swim lessons before
  • This is the swimmer's first classes
  • Swimmers may not feel confident with water on their face

Swimming Lessons for Kids

Level Pre Team: 

Participants in this level begin refining their swim skills, applying hydrodynamic principles and the laws of levers to improve and refine all the swim strokes.
Class Requirements:

  • 4-12 Years
  • The participant can swim front crawl for 60 feet using body roll and breathing to the side
  • The participant is swimming backstroke and beginning to develop body roll 
  • The participant is starting to develop the butterfly
  • The participant is starting to develop the coordination in the breaststroke

Level 4 Stroke Improvement:
Participants will continue to develop their swim strokes and endurance, participants will refine their breaststroke and begin developing a more coordinated butterfly.

Class Requirements:

  • 4-12 Years
  • The Participant will begin using body roll on the front crawl and begin using good hydrodynamic principles to move through the water more efficiently.
  • The participant will continue developing other swim strokes. 
  • The participant will learn how to use the laws of levers to move more efficiently through the water.

Level 2 Fundamentals of Aquatic Skills
Participants are comfortable in the water, participants will expand their knowledge of swimming in the front and swimming in the back using various techniques and learning survival swimming such as the elementary backstroke.

Class Requirements:

  • 4-12 Years
  • The participant can float independently on their back and stomach for 5 to 10 seconds
  • The participant can swim independently using any stroke for 5 feet
  • The participant can fully submerge their head and retrieve an object underwater.

Level 3 Stroke Development

Participants will begin developing different types of swim strokes and begin developing endurance to cross the pool independently but with supervision. 

Class Requirements:

  • 4-12 Years
  • The participant is able to swim front crawl independently for 25 feet
  • The participant is able to swim and roll onto their back and float 
  • The participant is able to swim on their back using any stroke for 15 feet